Save Hogs Back Limited is a not for profit organisation, which aims to protect the outstandingly beautiful landscape of the Hog’s Back for future generations to enjoy. Currently, it is under serious threat as Guildford Borough Council (GBC) plans to take 139 hectares of farmland on the northern slopes of the Hogs Back (at Blackwell Farm) out of green belt in order to build a 1,800-home “urban village”. The University of Surrey, which owns the land, is pushing to increase this to 3,350 homes (265 hectares). In order to save the Hog’s Back from urbanisation, we need to raise £10,000 to help fund a legal challenge of Guildford’s Local Plan and specifically the Blackwell Farm site allocation. Please help us if you can by clicking on the button on the right.
Everyone who gives a donation (however small) will automatically become a member of the Save Hogs Back campaign. Please send an email to if your donation covers other household members or family/friends and/or if you would like to receive (usually monthly) updates about the campaign and about the progress of Guildford’s Local Plan.