Inadequate Infrastructure

Infrastructure is inadequate to support the development

  • Infrastructure changes should come before, or at least alongside, plans for new housing developments.­  There should be a master plan for the phased development of infrastructure (ideally including an A3 tunnel through Guildford, which would also help to alleviate the housing shortage as houses could be built over it).

  • The west side of Guildford is already  plagued by traffic  problems and a 1,800-home development would exacerbate these. The existing road network would not be able to accommodate a further 3,000 vehicles entering/leaving Guildford from/to such a development either along the Hogs Back or via Manor Park.  Peak-hour congestion on the A3 itself is set to get worse, and sending  traffic through Manor Park would potentially impede ambulances travelling into, and out of, the Royal Surrey County Hospital.

  • There is no gas pipeline to the area, and no mains drainage either. There are also reports that Thames Water does not have  the capacity to provide water to 1,800 new homes in the area.

  • Any development on Blackwell Farm and Manor Farm is on the wrong side of the A3, which forms a physical divide between the existing town and any new development. Any journey from the new development to the nearest school (in Park Barn) involves crossing over the A3 twice.  Firstly over the bridge on the A31 (top of Farnham Road) and secondly back under at the Surrey Research Park.

  • A 1,800-home development would put pressure on existing public  services (schools,  as well as medical and dental practices) and it is unlikely that the revenue raised from the additional  council taxes would be enough to pay for another school.


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